Source: Chelsea Green /Christian Monitor
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Wealthy Nations Privatizing Farmland Abroad
Source: Chelsea Green /Christian Monitor
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Chinese Cargo Ships Will Have Solar Sails
Friday, December 19, 2008
Jeffrey Sachs - Love him or hate him - part 2
I posted in May about Jeffrey Sachs’ new book, "Common Wealth." Sachs is quite methodical and comprehensive in his explanation and presentation of how to solve the world’s slow growing environmental crisis. It has been very thought provoking.
In the beginning, it sounded like every other environmental book that I have read, but in greater detail along with statistics that make one shutter. At first, I was disappointed and thought, "This is Al Gore part 2." But after he reiterated all the problems that everyone else has, he begins to offer solid solution after solution that is new, unique and doeable. For me that is the key. We've talked enough, it's time for action! He calls for a "Demographic Transition" in dealing with climate issues, biodiversity issues, water issues, natural resources issues, the population explosion, etc. I had never heard of this before nor had I really considered his arguments. But each idea and argument is thoughtfully laid out and makes a very strong case for his each of proposals. The only question that I have after reading his book is whether or not mankind will be able to make the adjustments in our thinking, in time to deal with this slow moving train wreck he so skillfully describes at great length.
It really is an excellent book. I plan to read it again. There was so much information on a variety of topics. I find myself referring to it over and over again. I really get the poverty question now after reading this book. His book made me rethink my thoughts about Sachs and what he stands for too.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Living Green, a Lesson from Obama
The story called “A Rare Breed of Love: The True Story of Baby and the Mission she Inspired to Help Dogs Everywhere” (Fireside, an imprint of Simon & Schuster) is a good example of a simple thing that people can do to live green. Why is this green you might ask? Because living green means seeing the big picture. It asks us to stop and consider where a pet comes from for example.
Many of the pets that we buy come from "puppy mills." "Puppy Mills" are known as legal houses-of-horror for the animals that are bred there. They are locked in cages 24 hours a day. Undercover video shows them spinning endlessly in circles, biting on cages to where their mouths bleed, trying to get out. They are never allowed to go outside, they are covered in feces because the cages are stacked one on top of the other until they are sold to pet stores who sell them for hundreds of dollars.
Puppies are churned out by the millions each year by dog breeders who find it a lucrative business. Many of these puppies are later given up and left at an Animal Shelter run by the county government within a few years of purchase. People find that raising the dog is too time consuming or costly. A few of the lucky ones are rescued by the one of the various breed-specific rescue groups, but the majority are “put down” which is paid for by our tax dollars. The last statistic that I read said that over 5 million animals are euthanized each year.
My husband is a volunteer for Lab Rescue. He has to goes to these Animals Shelters to find the Labrador Retrievers who are scheduled to be euthanized. Lab Rescue finds foster homes for the animals and volunteers actively pursue permanent homes for these animals. The story is the same for all the rescue groups. The number of animals saved, thanks to the compassion of the volunteers, is small in comparrison to the millions of animals that are euthanized each year who were not as lucky. All five of our pets are animals that have been rescued.
Living Green simply means seeing the big picture. There are millions of dogs who need a home. Making the choice to adopt a pet instead of buying one from a breeder is a perfect example of living green. It cuts down on the waste, the neglect, the suffering and cruelty that is propagated by the “puppy mills” system. It promotes responsible pet ownership. It teaches young children that animals are to be valued, not treated like last year's Christmas toy that is tossed into the trash and forgotten. It opens the door for so many lessons about biodiversity and the need to respect all life on this planet.
Kudos to the Obama family; I hear they might adopt one of the 5 million dogs in need of a loving family. The book about Baby is titled, " A Rare Breed of Love."
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Change Gov's website
Election Night photos in Flickr
Sunday, November 02, 2008
New Layout on it's way!
Judith Shakes Design helped me roll out the new design! Check out her website: Click Here. Thanks Judith! Multi Talented :-)
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Friday, September 05, 2008
John McCain and Sarah Palin and the World Population Clock
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Planet Hazard
Found a great website that has a way to organize and list our planet's greatest polluters.
- Top Ten Polluters
Maps the top ten polluters in the nation, state, county or city
City - List Polluters
List polluters by state, county or city
City - List Pollutants
List chemical pollutants and total annual emissions for each pollutant
Original Website: Click Here
Saturday, August 16, 2008
The bright side of a down economy
One thing I have always tried to do is to keep my work life separate from my blog life. I’m going to break that rule ever so slightly today. Because of the down-turned economy, my work place is starting to do things that should have been done anyway, just to save money. I attempted to implement some of the changes and was turned away as a renegade-rebel-trouble-maker. What a difference time and money makes. Now that the budget has been cut, we are starting to make some of those changes that were attempted several years ago. What are they? Here are some:
1. Turn off all the lights and computers when you leave for the day.
3.Use draft setting when using the printer.
4.Print in black and white and save color for special occasions.
5.Recycle as much as you can.
Here are some new ones:
8. Print and copies: Two paragraphs on one sheet is now set up so there are as many copies on a page, the page is cut and distributed. This saves papers, copies, and ink.
I wish I could say that the administrators have decided to be eco-friendly and do things that lower our rate of consumption of goods produced from natural resources, but I would be lying. The truth is that it is really about money. The budget has been cut by 6% and now everyone is finding ways to cut back. We didn’t see the need when money wasn’t an issue. Really though, when it comes to the government, when does money not matter? There was so much waste in the past! So if there is a silver lining to this economic downturn, changing human behavior is one of them.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Al Gore
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Nashville just around the corner
Friday, July 04, 2008
Peter, Paul and Mary rewrite: Where have all the forests gone?
Long time passing
Where have all the forests gone
Long time ago...
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Are Petabytes the key to solving climate issues?
I’m in Northampton, Massachusetts today; interesting little town. On the plane I read the recent copy of Wired Magazine. Interesting article about the End of Science, Google and the way cloud computing is changing many of the things we are doing and things we assumed. It is written by Chris Anderson, the author of “The Long Tail.”
Bottom line, we are not going to solve our climate crisis without the use of some really high powered technology number crunching computing power. (Google) There are some really big projects in the works according to the article. Not all climate related, but it gives an idea of what is possible. Here are some:
The CluE Initiative
Large Hardon Collider
e-discovery firms: Fios, Attenex
Europe Media Monitor
Global emerging infections surveillance and Response system
Google Mapreduce
Large Synoptic Survey Telescope
Majumdar (bone research)
Fastcast ( tracking airfare)
Catalist (political forecasting)
Microtargeting example: Republican National Committee Voter Vault and Aristotle Inc.
(give them false information!) Aristotle Inc.
Visualizing Data: Watson Research Center: Martin Wattenberg: Many Eyes
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Central Florida Green Guide and Friends
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Green Gorilla cartoon
Friday, June 20, 2008
Carrotmob - Wow!
Click here to see video
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Taking a Break- enjoying Harry Potter
Friday, June 13, 2008
Tim Russert dies
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Jeffrey Sachs: Love him or Hate him- his new book
1. Get out of Iraq $200 billion
2. End Bush tax cuts $250 billion dollars
3.Invest in sustainable technology- New National Institute for Sustainable Technology $30 billion: battery, biomass, solar, food supply needs R & D
4. Global Commons: Need a cooperative framework
Ratify: Kyoto reach agreement on post Kyoto framework
Ratify: Convention on Biological Diversity
Ratify: UN Convention of the Law of the Sea
5. Honor: Geneva Convention
6. Stop corn to ethanol program - $6 to $7 billion No corn based ethanol. Corn needs to be used for food. It makes not sense because it still produces green house gases and it drives up food price. It is a profound blunder. $6.5 billion dollars wasted
7. Invite world leaders of Dry-land regions to a world conference and discuss water conservation.
8. Reinstate giving money to United Nations’ population fund to help control world growth.
9. Rebuild competence in Washington: cabinet level-Department for Sustainable Development. Interlink climate, food, water production—Cabinet Level Department
10. The Millennium Development Goals put into practice in policy.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Jibjab has a funny on Global Warming
Friday, May 23, 2008
Zero Emissions not possible
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Pleasantly Surprised with Orlando Green Expo 2008
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Solar Energy
Ten Ways to Change the World with Social Media
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Can the human race change?
A few weeks ago, NASA's chief climatologist, James Hansen, submitted a paper to Science magazine with several coauthors. The abstract attached to it argued -- and I have never read stronger language in a scientific paper -- that "if humanity wishes to preserve a planet similar to that on which civilization developed and to which life on Earth is adapted, paleoclimate evidence and ongoing climate change suggest that CO2 will need to be reduced from its current 385 ppm to at most 350 ppm."
The article goes on to say that in order for us to succeed, we would have to have perfect governments all pulling together toward a common goal. The questions remains, are we as a species able to do this?
Look at what was reported in the New York Times today. There are thousands of dead bodies floating in the rivers from the deadly cyclone that smashed into Myanmar. People say, it's not their job to deal with the dead. Refugees staying in schools for shelter are thrown out so that the government can hold a referendum that will keep them in power. The government is more worried about them retaining their power than allowing aide from foreign governments attempting to send desperately needed supplies to keep people from dying.
And we think the whole human race is going to suddenly wake up and "do the right thing"?
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Oh wow, are these amazing pictures or what?
Waste Paper Furniture?
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Google's Google Earth Blog has Animation for Cyclone Nargis
Monday, May 05, 2008
The We Campaign New Ads
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Dear Al 'Galileo' Gore,
Galileo died in 1642 and was pardoned for his heresy September 1, 1999. It only took 3 1/2 centuries for the Catholic church to admit they were wrong.
Hang in there Al, you will eventually be vindicated...
Technological Breakthrough In Fight To Cut Greenhouse Gases
Al Gore's TED 2008 video
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Spin, spin, spin! Change is in the wind!!
Hillary wins, but not by much. She has the main Democratic states. But wait, the main Democratic states have not delivered for the last two elections. They have not been able to bring the “other states” along. Obama has been able to win the “other states”. What if the change is that the old core Democratic states don’t get to decide this time around? What if the other “lesser states” are the ones who select the Democratic candidate this time around? Well, that would be change now wouldn’t it?
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Earth Day inspiration
Earth Day -- Earth Week
Saturday, April 19, 2008
If we care about the animals
Here are causes that I believe in. If anyone doubts that public attention and pressue can change the actions of corrupt individuals nad companies, recall the recent backlash of the public when they discovered how cows were treated on their way to becoming school lunches. Actually they showed some of the less offensive footage. If people saw what they really do to cows...
Here are some good animal welfare causes to respond to:
Demand Better Treatment of Breeding Dogs and Puppies
Downed Farm Animals Need Your Help!
Help Pass Legislation to Toughen Dogfighting Laws!
Help Pass the Bear Protection Act
Help Save Wild Horses and Burros
Help Stop the Philippines' Illegal Dog Meat Trade
Our Pets Deserve Safe Food
Protect Pets in the Final Farm Bill!
Stop Canned Hunting
Support the Charitable Remainder Pet Trust Act
Support the Polar Bear Protection Act
Tell Allergan that Mice Should Not Die for BOTOX
Tell Health and Human Services to Stop Funding Invasive Research & Testing on Chimpanzees
Unplug Internet Hunting
Chickens and Turkeys Deserve Humane Treatment, Too!
Urge Canada's Minister of International Trade to Stop the Seal Hunt
Urge the Department of Defense to Help Animals in Iraq
Watch Our Undercover Footage of U.S. Horses Exported to Mexico for Slaughter -- Then Take Action
Right Whales Need Our Protection
Choose Compassion As Your Fashion
Farm Animal Stewardship for Federal Purchases
Florida: Make the Sexual Abuse of Animals a Crime!
Protect Animals in the Uniform Code of Military Justice
Protect Turtles and Public Health
Protect Wildlife from Highly Toxic Chemicals
Send a Thank you to the US Attorney's Office
Support "Buck's Bill" (the Pet Safety and Protection Act)
Support Senate Resolution to End Seal Hunt
Support the Animal Welfare Accountability Improvement Act
Support the Captive Primate Safety Act
Together We Can Stop Canada's Cruel Seal Hunt
We Need The Dog and Cat Fur Prohibition Enforcement Act of 2007
Wyoming: Stop Prairie Dog Contest Kills
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Sunday, April 13, 2008
The New Face of Global Hunger- the dirty little secret about Global Warming
One reason food prices are going up because of GW's misguided policy of ethanol production from corn. Less corn to eat, the scarer the commodity. The scarcer the commodity, the higher the price of that commodity. But ethanol investors lost billions because there were a glut of investors flooding the market with capital to develop this new "green fuel." And so on and so on... Anyway, a couple of good links:
Amy Goodman's interview with a World Food expert and Time magazine.
Fred Krupp's call to action for US Presidential canidates
We've had a national stalemate over climate-change policy seemingly forever. Do you think that might change soon?There's a 90 percent chance that within the next 18 to 24 months, we will get a strong cap and trade bill. It will be here because all three presidential candidates have come out in favor of the idea.
But why has Washington dodged the question on how to deal with greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels for so long?The science is overwhelming. Why haven't politicians moved more quickly? There are entrenched interests which want to keep the status quo...We've made this our main priority by far but we're up against big, vested interests. Also, the issue's been polarized and become part of the political divide in this country. It's been identified with liberal Democrats and there's been an almost religious conviction among almost half the population that this can't be true. They hear their opinion leaders like the president and (Sen. James) Inhofe saying it can't be true. Getting past that divide has been really, really hard. But I think we're past that.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Skeptics speak out about Global Warming. But...
Heartland Institute, Joseph Bast, has a 20 minute interview explaining how the science of climate change is shifting, and how a little global warming would be a good thing, and the reason not to vote. (download the original). This was published in Scientific America. Interesting interview. He makes it sound like there are skeptical scientists that are offering another view about the 'global warming' debate. He says that 3/4 of the world's scientists don't believe that it is caused by climate change.
He sounds very scholarly. However, a closer look at their organization, Heartland Institute, you will see that Heartland Institute features an Internet application called PolicyBot which serves as a clearinghouse for research from other think tanks such as the Heritage Foundation, American Legislative Exchange Council, and Cato Institute. Joseph claims in his interview that "he hates politics and politicians" but he spends ten minutes parroting the message in his video is definitely a neoconservative message that brought us George Bush, Dick Cheney, the Sub prime lending mess etc. His employer is the clearing house for their policies statements that go out to the politician who then decide what rules that we should live by.
Sorry if I'm a skeptic about his "independent" analysis of the global climate change debate. There were no corporate sponsors for this event, however, the organizations they represent are heavily subsidized. This is so disingenuous.
This video is evidence of the economic warfare that we are about to engage in over the idea of Global Warming and CO2 reduction. The Skeptics vs. The Alarmists. There are serious economic interests at risk. Many of the skeptics represent the current status quo, the economically entrenched powers that command the economy at the highest levels. They are about to come out swingint and they are going to warp themselves in a cloak of credible science while expounding their economic dogma that spreads doubt into the debate. This in tern will cause more confusion and ultimately reinforce the status quo. Behind the scenes, there will be big money at stake and we will see the clash of the titans as this plays out.