Found a great website that has a way to organize and list our planet's greatest polluters.
- Top Ten Polluters
Maps the top ten polluters in the nation, state, county or city
City - List Polluters
List polluters by state, county or city
City - List Pollutants
List chemical pollutants and total annual emissions for each pollutant
Original Website: Click Here
1 comment:
Hi Martie -
Thanks for this post. I will bookmark the Planet Hazard website.
I checked my county (Ellis) in one of the most polluting states in the nation (Texas).
Our congressional representative is known as Smokestack Joe (Barton). He is bought and paid for by the various polluting industries in the area.
He denies global warming, and has personally disrespected Al Gore at the congressional hearings last year.
Needless to say, he will be our representative until he either becomes a lobbyist for the industry or dies.
In either event, the pollution industries will find another Smokestack Somebody, run adds on the local C&W stations about how he is for family values and against the tax and spend liberals. And the 67% gun carrying Republicans will mindlessly vote him into office.
I rant. Again, thanks for this post.
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