Saturday, July 29, 2006
Democrats prospective for the upcoming election
Watching in Horror
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Monday, July 24, 2006
Rice's "Suprise" Visit to Lebanon
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Lieberman's Ploy- Maybe we need to rethink our anti-Liberman position.
Several free market organizations -- the Competitive Enterprise Institute, American Conservative Union, Americans for Tax Reform, American Legislative Exchange Council, Citizens Against Government Waste, Citizens for a Sound Economy, Consumer Alert, Frontiers of Freedom, National Taxpayers Union, Small Business Survival Committee, and 60-Plus Association -- have repeatedly warned the Administration about the political and economic perils of early credit programs. Not once has any Bush official attempted to rebut their arguments.
Advocates promoting action to curb climate change are accused of promoting energy poverty and energy suppression
At the risk of soudning like a broket record, if you haven't checked out the website, Exxon Secrets, it is definitely worth your time to investigate the website. I've been having fun listening to "spokespeople" on the news make their claims about this and that piece of news. Then I go to the website and check out more of the unknown facts about that person, who is paying their bills and the political positions of those organizations. It's interesting to see the connections. You can also find out who the largest donors are to these organizations.
For example: I found out that the American Enterprise Institute gets lots of money from Exxon. So does the Competitive Enterprise Institute. They use word like "energy poverty", "energy suppression", “anti-growth”, “anti-American” when they describe the environmentalism’s agenda. They promote the idea that government intervention of any sort will be bad for the economy. I don’t know about you but I’m wondering how someone who makes $26,000 dollars an hour (the CEO of Exxon) can even begin to understand the average person’s needs.
It’s too bad that we can’t get the two opposing views to sit down and have a real conversation.
American Enterprise Institute says environmentalists are "ANTI-AMERICAN"
So let me see if I have this rationale of the American Enterprise Institute correct: destroy the environment equals pro-capitalist, pro-American and pro-patriotic vs. trying to live in harmony with the environment and develop sustainable practices is anti-capitalist, un-American and un-patriotic. And these people are major contributors to the current Republican regime….
Saturday, July 15, 2006
What the Competitive Enterprise Institute Whats You to Believe About Global Warming
What's at stake? Oil profits. Did you know that Exxon's CEO makes roughly $26,000 an hour? Global demand for oil is up; oil exploration can't keep up with the demand. Consumers want alternatives to oil and Al Gore refuses to pander to the oil industry. CO2 in large quantities is harmful and major contributors to the excess CO2 are fossil fuels. So the CEI with a huge infusion of cash from the big oil giants does the industry's biddings. They buy off reporters, scientist, and other experts off to spread their "disinformation propaganda" and try to confuse the consumer. Manufactured consumer confusion is "good for bizzness", keeps the public eye off of their backs.
Let’s hope that the public wises up and keeps their eye on the ball. It’s time for new sources of energy!
GW or King George is rebuked-Sweet
Thomas Friedman Educates Me About Middle East
OK, OK, I didn't have all of the facts when I formed my opinion.
The bottom line in his editorial is this:
The radical groups who were “democratically elected” continue to behave as though they are street gangs and are being funded by Syria. Syria and Iran do not want democracy to flourish or modernism to take hold. These groups intimidate anyone who speaks out against them, or kill them. They hold a timid majority hostage. These groups fail to govern, and are using their offices as an excuse to spread fear and terror.
Here is a quote:
"But the roots of democracy are so shallow in these places and the moderate majorities so weak and intimidated that we are getting the worst of all worlds. We are getting Islamist parties who are elected to power, but who insist on maintaining their own private militias and refuse to assume all the responsibilities of a sovereign government. They refuse to let their governments have control over all weapons. They refuse to be accountable to international law (the Lebanese-Israeli border was ratified by the U.N.), and they refuse to submit to the principle that one party in the cabinet cannot drag a whole country into war."
In summary: The fight is not about two soldiers but about whether governments or street gangs funded by extremists will rule.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Israel Doesn't Want Peace
Health Industrial Complex are Fat Cats
Did Israel Over React Just a Tad?
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Bush's ratings in Florida
Monday, July 10, 2006
Speculation about Ken Lay's Death
Sunday, July 09, 2006
"Is this the America that our soliders (our children) are dying for?" Right on Ben Stein
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Pentagon funds study about limiting Freedom of Information Act
I’m all for National Security but if they limit information, how do we know when there is abuse? Ken Lay and the Enron Boys were abusing our trust in the name of corporate greed. Look at the Superfund case studies as historical proof that corporations will do what is in their best interest not the public’s best interest when it comes to their operations and profits. Limiting information limits the public’s right to know when these abuses are taking place! That is a threat to our National Security because it opens the door to a Corporatocracy instead of a government that is for the people and by the people.
God help us!
Friday, July 07, 2006
Going Green
If every household replaced just three 60W incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs, the reduction in pollution would equal that of taking 3.5 milllion cars off the roads. The new bulbs last 15 minutes longer than the old ones, while signifiantly lowering electric bills.
You Might Be A Republican If....
A person protesting against W is un-patriotic, un-American and should be shot, but a person protesting against Clinton is merely exercising his first amendment right.