Thursday, September 28, 2006


I know this is hard to watch. I'm sure the majority of people would rather not see this. But I'm haunted by this. I can't even watch the whole things because it makes me cry. It is undercover video by PETA showing monkeys that are being used to test products and drugs!

I recently read an article talking about the results of the animal rights protesters by these companies. They simply move their operations off shore to places where there are no rules about animal cruelty. These poor terrified animals suffer even worse and are treated worse in these third world counties and are suffering more than here. When they stuff these animals full of drugs, they let them die a slow and painful death... I'm ashamed of the human race.

We have become monsters....

1 comment:

Green said...

Thanks for the thoughtful comment. I am really struggling with this. You are right, sometimes it is just easier to block it out and not think or feel about it. I don't really know what to do about it. I know that animal testing saves lives of humans, but there seems to be no limits to what we will do in the name of science. The look on this little monkey's face haunts me... I feel horrible, I know that.

Thanks again...