Friday, May 08, 2009


Social Networking proves time and time again to be a great way to find valuable resources. I can find some very innovative people and groups doing a great job of pulling together initiatives to help get our society moving toward a more sustainable path. Found this new vlog-blog called GreenDig. I plan to make this a regular stop. 

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

A Steven Jobs for the Green Movement: Shai Agassi

Picture: Grist and BetterPlace
Grist pointed me to a new name in the Green movement. Shai Agassi is hailed and the visionary of the Green Movement and the in His blog is "The Long Tailpipe." His company: " A Better Place." He has been featured in magazine after magazine. He was a speaker at TED.

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Millennium Promise launches website

I read Jeffrey Sachs' book, "Common Wealth" last summer. It really changed my ideas about the environmental movement and allowed me to see that why I should care about what happens in situations of extreme poverty. It's hard to say in a few short sentences, but in a nut shell, the size of the population on planet Earth matters. Unless we educate people and allow them to improve their lives, the numbers will continue to grow and our planet will soon get to the tipping point where life will not be sustainable. Africa holds the key to our planet's ability to provide for the inhabitants and ending poverty there is crucial for getting population under control. Africa matters, poverty matters. Read the book and see what you think. In the meantime, check out the website. 

Friday, May 01, 2009

April 22 Disney Earth Movie

Disney Nature's new film starts April 22 for Earth Day. Each person that goes on the 22nd will have a tree planted by Disney.  Here is the trailer for the film. 

Got to see the movie Saturday. Spectacular!